Month: March 1996

Foundational Praying

It was a sunny, sad day in 1982—the day after my husband's funeral. I had gone alone to Bill's grave, hardly knowing why. As with Mary Magdalene who visited Jesus' tomb, the risen Lord was waiting for me. He impressed the words of Philippians 1:21 on my vacant mind, still numbed by Bill's untimely cancer death. I wove my prayer around the words of that verse:

The World's Hatred

When high school senior Angela Guidry submitted a copy of her valedictory speech to school administrators, the principal demanded that she leave out one part. It was the sentence that read, "To me the most important thing in your life is not whether you have a good education or a good job, but whether or not you have the Lord in your life."

Grandmothers Festival

Unni Brinchman jumped out of a small plane at 12,000 feet. That might not sound so unusual, but it was her first plunge, and she was a 58-year-old grandmother! The event occurred at a 3-day Grandmothers Festival held in Bodo, Norway. Its purpose was to encourage older women to continue to lead interesting, exciting lives. Hundreds of women tried things they had never done before, breaking old-age stereotypes.

"Sweet Cane" For God

Our giving to the Lord should include more than handing Him a "tip" on Sunday from money that's left over when the bills are paid. It should include all acts of devotion that cost us something.

Better-Looking Every Day

Few of us look in the mirror and come to the conclusion of Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath. During his heyday as a player, Namath wrote a book titled I Can't Wait Until Tomorrow . . . 'Cause I Get Better-Looking Every Day.

Old News Is No News

As I scanned the morning paper, I noticed that every article reported "old" news: a prominent sports figure arrested for drunkenness, a man charged with conspiracy, a government policy criticized, and the baseball season's opener disrupted by rowdy fans.

A Mystery Solved

What happens to us when we die? That mystery has intrigued people down through the ages.

The Greenest Grass

A friend in Pennsylvania sent us this illustration: "One of my father's old cows gives good milk, but she sure can be dumb! She has a whole field in which to feed, yet no grass seems quite as tasty as those patches outside her own pasture. I often see her stretching her head through the fence, while right behind her is everything she needs— excellent grazing land, beautiful shade trees, a cool, refreshing stream of water, and even a big chunk of salt. What more could she want?"

What's Next?

The night before Jesus was crucified, two of His disciples turned against Him. Judas betrayed Christ, leading His enemies to Him in the Garden (Lk. 22:47-48). And Peter denied three times that he even knew the Lord (vv.57-60).